Report: Alternatives to Isolation

The PROTECT Act would abolish isolation in favor of humane and effective means to keep prisons – and the people who live and work there – safe. The desire to be safe is a fundamental need of all people, and keeping prisons safe is a basic duty of the state. Unfortunately, decades of misguided policies and a profound lack of oversight have led prisons to rely on highly punitive and ineffective measures like solitary confinement. The good news is that—finally—many correctional systems are recognizing that using isolation and other forms of violence, on top of being cruel, is short- sighted and counterproductive. Instead, more systems are turning to alternatives, including pro-social programming and mental health treatment. And many systems are thinking far outside “the box” by turning to violence prevention and restorative justice to get at why disputes happen in the first place. This short report outlines the many tools that Connecticut could use to ensure safety without sacrificing humanity.