This 5000 pound replica solitary cell will be at the Connecticut State Capitol from February 24-March 4. The cell provides legislators and other Connecticut residents with the opportunity to experience the horror, isolation, and dehumanization that is solitary confinement. Visit the cell during business hours at the Capitol and ask your legislators to do the same. If you are interested in volunteering with Stop Solitary CT to staff the replica cell, email
Thank you to our amazing volunteers Shaun, Ibrahim, Maurice, and Tyler (not pictured) who built the replica cell with Steering Committee Member Leighton Johnson!
This replica cell was last brought to Connecticut by Stop Solitary CT’s predecessor organization, Inside the Box. One visitor reflected:
“I don’t know what I was expecting when I entered the solitary confinement room. Quiet, I guess. A plain room. I wasn’t prepared for the flickering lights, the sounds of humans screaming or constant thumping. I never realized how long two minutes could possibly be...Two minutes should’ve passed quickly. But instead, the room grew smaller, my heart started pounding. Two minutes. I had never truly realized how inhumane solitary confinement was until today. I cannot imagine spending days, weeks, months in that sort of place. It is not an environment conducive to rehabilitation and reflection. Rather, it is a method of torture, pure and simple.”
— Anneka V., 23 years old, New York
Experience the power of the replica cell for yourself.